We Do

Raw materials

The raw materials that give rise to our pellets come directly from a partnership with the land. All organic matter, whether of plant or forest origin, which is destined for the production of energy is called biomass. When used consciously, it maintains the composition of the atmosphere, as shown in the following cycle:

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For the production of renewable and sustainable biofuel, we use two main types of plant biomass:

Lignocellulosic biomass: agro-industrial residues and organic matter from plant sources or resulting from its processing.
Forest biomass: pruning substrates, selection of stumps, thinning, phytosanitary cuts and control of spontaneous vegetation, in addition to waste from wood use.
In our production unit, we are proud to witness the renewal of nature every day. After all, energy can have a color and that color is green.

The Pellets

Our pellets are a sustainable way of replacing fossil fuels, such as coal and fuel oil. And it is in nature itself that we find the way to produce environmentally friendly energy: our raw material is plant biomass.

This raw material goes through a process that involves the most innovative technologies, so that it can be transformed into small cylinders, with regular geometry, of 6 and 8 mm in diameter and 10 to 40 mm in length, with a low moisture content and higher density, which means high energy power.

A less polluting and more efficient solution for industries around the world to take an important step in sustainable development.
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With the commitments made in the Kyoto Protocol and ratified at the Climate Conference, several countries are moving to reverse the environmental damage caused by the burning of fuels derived from oil. It is with a focus on the industrial sector that we operate so that companies around the world can carry out their activities with energy with less environmental impact.

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